Tarot cards are a revered book of wisdom that originated in Ancient Egypt, composed of images rich in symbolism and divided into two parts; the first 22 cards are called “The Major Arcana.” These Arcana cards speak of the different states of our being in their exaltation and dejection. They contain the description of each stage of our spiritual journey through life.
The remaining 56 cards are called “The Minor Arcana.” They are keys pointing toward our outer journey; our relationships, our expression and place in the world, and the interactions, decisions, experiences, and challenges we find as we walk through “the marketplace” of life.
The variety of garments (virtues) to dress the soul with is extraordinary. We can embody them as needed until they become intrinsic to who we are.
During the Tarot Energy Readings, we identify and dissolve blockages in your energy and find the solutions that connect you with your inner power so that you can find new strength to move forward in life.
Have you ever considered what a wonderful instrument a mirror is? Thanks to the mirror, we can get an image of our body and our outer presence; we can fix and change things in our appearance if necessary and sometimes even detect important changes to keep our physical being in balance. Dressing appropriately for the occasion is important in the world. But acquiring and using garments of the best quality for our soul is more important.
Being in contact with the Tarot and Angelic Cards will teach you the many qualities and attributes they depict. The possibilities of adorning the soul are endless, and the bonus is that if we beautify our soul, that beauty will shine through the body. I use Tarot as an educational tool. This symbolic alphabet is a guide to our inner treasure, a travel companion that can show us where we are in our stage of evolution, personal growth, and development.
Tarot cards are a trigger for your inner wisdom to surface. The Tarot has been with me since my early twenties; I have a beautiful collection of decks I have gathered in my travels worldwide, some are old, and some are new. I love to work with them. They are a divine inspiration!