
Reclaim your inner peace, your personal power,
and your tranquility with the help of


Rapid Eye Technology duplicates REM sleep, which is our body’s natural stress release mechanism. This therapeutic process uses rapid blinking, breathing, eye movements, and tapping on specific areas of the body with the purpose of releasing accumulated stress in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

Traumatic experiences such as a difficult birth and pregnancy, accidents, illnesses, traumatic events in childhood or adolescence, and personal or family relationship problems become blockages where our energy remains trapped.

The Rapid Eye is a safe and natural way to unblock ourselves and make room in our system to create perceptions that will empower us by birthing new neural imprints and the development of affirmative beliefs and emotions that will support our well-being.

Here you have an example: Imagine a child loses his mother at birth. An abandonment pattern is imprinted in his brain. To deal with it, the child creates a particular defense mechanism. During his life, a reaction is triggered whenever they experience a situation that reminds them of the abandonment. In adulthood, this can become a problem because they may not be able to establish healthy relationships due to the fear of being abandoned. The fear is transformed into trust, love, or any other resource during the RET session. The brain is rewired, and the stored information is reframed in a new context.

With RET, healing happens at all levels of our human experience. We address the unconscious during the sessions, and the cognitive part is well-taken care of with the Life Skill classes through consciously activating the resources you’ve gathered. Our body is a magnificent gift from life. The healing process is viable due to our brain’s neuroplasticity–the brain’s ability to form and reorganize its energetic connections in response to our life experiences. There is still so much we need to learn and experience about the incredible capabilities for healing our precious human body has. It is fascinating!

"I established my Rapid Eye practice in 1996",

And I have seen remarkable changes in the lives of
clients I have in many places in the world.


Rapid Eye Therapy is a fast, less painful way of reaching and releasing remnant emotional elements and patterns due to:

  • Abuse of all kinds.
  • Addictions of all kinds.
  • Depression, Anger, Anxiety, and Grief.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Traumatic experiences on the physical and emotional levels.
  • Family and Relationship Patterns that need lasting change”.

The emotional stress caused by any issue can be released, the body retrained, and the mind educated to think and react differently through RET sessions and Skills for Life classes.

Rapid Eye sessions are available via telephone and Zoom.

I have many clients in different parts of the world who are enjoying the benefits of this process. I will send a Zoom invitation or call you when you book your sessions.

What is the price of the sessions?

$ 150.00 US Dollars for a 90-minute session.